8 Things You’ll Need When Starting Ukulele Lessons
1. A Ukulele. That’s pretty obvious really. There are 3 types to choose from, a soprano (the
smallest), a concert (middle size) and a tenor (the largest). (There is also a baritone but we don’t
worry about them as they are really a small guitar.) The soprano, concert and tenor are all tuned
the same way and are played in the same way, the only difference is the size and tone. Remember
the uke is a serious musical instrument and buying a cheap one will be a false economy. As with
most things, you get what you pay for, so you should be aiming to pay a minimum of £60 plus for a
soprano uke. The larger ones will be more expensive but still worth it. Best tip is to try before you
buy. Check out the tone and choose a sensible size that you feel comfortable with. Spend as
much as you can afford and get something decent, you won’t regret it. It’ll stay in tune, give you
hours of fun and last for years.
2. An electronic tuner. An absolute must. Get one that clips on to the end of the uke. You’ll need to
tune each time you play. The strings on a new uke will take a while to stretch so they’ll need tuning.
It’s good to learn by ear but actually we want to get on and play, so as the technology is there let’s
use it.
3. A case. Either hard or soft. If you’re out and about with your uke it’s going to need protection.
Most new ukes come with them included in the price.
4. A music stand. It’ll make your life so much easier in lessons having your song sheets in front of
you. Get a folding up one, they’re easy to transport and cheap.
5. A folder. You’ll need a folder to keep all your song sheets in. Get one with the clear plastic
pockets so you can have 2 songs per pocket. You’ll find you’ll you get a collection together quite
6. A strap. Certainly for the larger ukes you’ll benefit from having a strap. It’s better for your posture
and it makes it easier if you have to stand up to play.
7. A pen or pencil. Always useful for making notes on songsheets.
8. The ability to enjoy yourself and have fun - because you will.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss any aspect of the classes then feel free to get in
You can call me on 07771 510823 or email amartin@moonroller.com
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