If you happen to have a copy of the NoExcuses Band Jam DVD and you are looking for the chords, you can download a .pdf by clicking on the icon here:
Moonroller has been a lot of things. We have designed and manufactured interactive business guides, created websites, sold media and produced the NoExcuses Guides for budding musicians on CD and DVD. Now it links other projects and is a showcase for some of my work.
Click here to go to the Winchester Uke Jam site for all the latest gig news and downloadable songs
UKES FOR ALL provide ukulele tuition for beginners and improvers with sessions across Hampshire and Surrey. Plus Corporate Ukulele Team Building Sessions Click on the logo for more details.
My name is Andy Martin and if you would like to get in touch click here to send an email:
For information about the 2024 Winchester Ukulele Festival - click on the logo.